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Kirkwood Neighbors Organization

Becoming a due-paying, voting member gives you a multitude of outlets to work with your fellow neighbors and bettering Kirkwood through caring for our seniors, fighting displacement, beautifying common spaces, preserving our neighborhood's historic aesthetic and environmental landscape, supporting our local schools, planning neighborhood events and much more.

You will be able to learn about and participate in these ventures at our monthly meetings on the 10th of every month at 7pm.


Annual dues for Kirkwood Neighbors Organization memberships can be paid online, by mail , or in person at KNO monthly meetings. 


Become a member or renew your annual dues with a suggested donation of $5 per voting member


Pay Online
Pay your dues via PayPal here:




(Perfectly acceptable to renew your dues via smartphone while sitting in a KNO meeting. With your dues paid, you become eligible to vote as long as you've attended at least one other Kirkwood Neighbors Meeting over the last 12 months)


Mail checks to:

Kirkwood Neighbors Organization

P.O. Box 170010

Atlanta, GA 303017

(Write “Membership Dues” in memo)

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